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When is the Valley Oaks PTA Auction?

This year's auction will take place on the evening of February 3rd, 2024 at Lakeside Country Club. 

How much are tickets?

Tickets go on sale October 23, 2023 and are $150 per person through January 7, 2024. On January 8, 2024, the price will go up to $175 per person, so buy early and save!  VIP and reserved tables will go on sale January 16, 2024.

What does the money that is raised go towards?

The PTA auction is by far the biggest fundraiser of the year, and determines the PTA budget for the following school year. Our main PTA expense is 2.5 teachers' salaries (approximately $210,000 per year), but the PTA also pays for capital/technological improvements on campus, classroom budgets for both the grade level and individual teachers, field trips, cultural arts events, science labs for each grade, teacher appreciation events throughout the year, library books, grounds improvements and maintenance, outreach for those in need within the Valley Oaks community, and support for our two sister schools. The PTA does everything it can to make sure that every Valley Oaks student's experience is the very best it can be! Every cent earned from Auction goes to our PTA for school enhancements, teaching resources, and amazing programs with a goal to reach every child.  

What is included in a ticket?

Your ticket gives you access to the online silent auction ahead of the event and a seated dinner at the live auction. Sign up parties (adult and kids) are made available on a first come, first served basis at the live auction. Many of the sign up parties sell out at auction, so make sure you buy an auction ticket to get first dibs on the parties!

What is sold during the online silent auction?

The first online silent auction will open up several weeks ahead of auction and includes teacher encounters (example: Teacher for the Day, movie with a teacher, lunch with a teacher, etc.), weekly messages on our digital marquee in front of the school, reserved seating at school events, four VIP parking spots for the 2023-2024 school year, and incredible items that will appeal to the whole family!  Any items with a winning bid will be sold at midnight the day of Auction with all unsold items made available to the entire school one week after auction. 

What are the Reserve and VIP Tables?

VIP and Reserve tables are made available to purchase during the first silent auction several weeks ahead of the event. You must purchase a ticket to auction prior to purchasing a Reserved or VIP table. VIP tables are closest to the dance floor and the auctioneer. Reserve tables are the rows directly behind VIP tables. Get a group of friends together and purchase a table to be closest to the action. Don’t want to purchase a table...no worries. There are also general admission tables that are first come, first served for seating.  Short a few for a full table? Post on GroupMe and make some new friends! Auction is a great way to meet new VOE families. 

What is sold during the actual event?

During the event, there will be a second silent online auction to open, big board auction, and live auction. The silent auction will begin the morning of auction.  The big board auction begins during cocktail hour and the live auction will take place during dinner. Sign up parties are also made available for the first time at the auction. Many fill up that evening, but any spots remaining will be made available to the whole school a week after the event. Some of the items up for bid are perfect for collaborating with friends to purchase! Get another family, grab a few friends, etc., and bid on the larger items! We will send home an auction program listing all the big board, live auction and sign-up parties the week of auction so you can start planning!

What do we wear to the event?

Our auctions are always fun and full of creative attire! Most people do dress to the theme, so this year expect to see cocktail or formal casino attire with neon flare! Your outfit can be as simple or elaborate as you would like. We want everyone to feel welcome to attend, regardless of how elaborate his or her attire is!

Why do I need to register a credit card to buy tickets?

We need a credit card number registered for all auction attendees to ensure payment for all won items and packages. No one in the PTA will ever see this information, as it is stored in Greater Giving’s secure payment processing system. 

Who do I contact if I have a question that isn't listed above?

This year's auction chairs are Allison Gebauer (allisonmgebauer@gmail.com), Susan Anderson (susanderson2013@yahoo.com) or Sara Trackwell (saratrackwell@gmail.com). Please feel free to email one or all of them with any questions you may have.

Interested in helping to serve on an Auction Committee? 

Fill out this survey or contact the Auction Chairs! 

Have an awesome item to donate to Auction for the silent, big board or live Auction?

Fill out the donation form on the Donations tab or contact the Auction Chairs! 

Thank you to our wonderful Sponsors!